Ceramics and Composites, a Perfect Marriage


Ceramics and Composites, A Perfect Marriage

Ceramics and composite resin are the two most used materials in restorative dentistry. Dentists are missing a great deal of opportunities by using only one or the other; being able to use both in cases that require an esthetic outcome will bring the quality of your work to a new standard!

Presentation Highlights:

  • Develop better treatment plans for your esthetic cases
  • How to incorporate both ceramics and composites for your cosmetic and restorative cases
  • Materials and techniques to increase your efficiency and esthetics

Your Instructor

Dr. Javier Quiros
Dr. Javier Quiros

Dr. Quiros is a graduate of the University of Costa Rica School of Dentistry, and holds an Advanced Education in General Dentistry with a Fellowship in Cosmetic Dentistry, and also concluded a Graduate Prosthodontics Program from the Texas A & M., Baylor College of Dentistry.

He teaches at Odontopolis Dental Training Institute, Costa Rica Dental Association, and also at the Graduate Prosthodontics Department from the University of Costa Rica. He has taught numerous hands-on courses internationally.

Dr. Quiros has a successful private practice, in San Jose, Costa Rica, which concentrates in Prosthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry, Also, Dr. Quiros has taken thousands of Continuing Education hours in different parts of the world.

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