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Minimally Invasive Ceramic Restorations: From Concept To Completion - Virtual Course
Day 1
Advantages of Indirect onlay, advantages/partial coverage restorations, enamel preservation, enamel/dentin macrostructure (30:41)
Enamel/dentin macrostructure continued, cuspid coverage, degree of reduction, occlusal considerations (53:35)
Importance of smooth preps, stress risers, bur selection, gingival margin elevation, immediate dentin seal, endo crowns and success rates (48:54)
Hands on demonstration-Upper right first molar: Technique protocol-Preparation, impression, stent, evaluation (55:52)
Hands on demonstration- Instrumentation, temporization, placement of stent, finishing overhangs, polishing, margin explanation illustration (28:40)
Clinical case presentation, The Ceramic Veneer; preparation principles, veneers and existing class III’s, contraindications for porcelain veneers, preparation parameters, depth cut bur selection, provisionals (55:48)
Clinical cases; interproximal extension, contacts, bur angulation, preparation guides, rubber dam, final finishing (31:54)
Day 2
Hands on demonstration sequence to include left central, lateral and canine. Clear polyvinyl siloxane impression of wax-up/working model, temporization of minimal prep veneers (44:42)
Hands on- Continue preparation of central, lateral, canine (40:27)
Hands on- Temporization of central, lateral, canine. Finishing (16:40)
Vertical crown prep with knife edge margin, finish lines (31:48)
Single central prep, preparation geometry, packing cord, impressioning, stock provisional: adapt and reline, lab framework design, cementation and final outcome (39:27)
Hands on demonstration- upper right central; bur selection, depth cuts, stock provisionalization, finish (35:45)
Properties of ideal luting cements, ceramic treatmen summary-air abrasion, acid etching, silanation Concluding remarks (30:12)
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