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Transitional Bonding - Virtual Course
Course Handout
Transitional Bonding Handout
Day 1
Course Introduction / Rational for Composite / Transitional Bonding vs. Ultimate Esthetics (52:20)
1st Exercise - Class IV / Lingual Template /Sculpt and Contour (56:42)
Smile Makeover Ratios and Esthetic Zones Ratios: Visualization and Evaluation (51:21)
Esthetic Zones Evaluation Continued / Golden Proportion vs. Golden Percentage (13:23)
Smile Design Case Study / 2nd exercise: Using the Worksheet to Evaluate Patient's Smile (26:27)
Tooth Topography: Understand and Create Good Contours / Making template from Wax Up (25:10)
Minimal Prep / Loading template / Adhesion Protocols / Composite Placement Techniques / Contour and Polish Techniques (32:19)
Hands-on Demonstration: Build 6 Upper Anterior Teeth (48:38)
Day 2
How to Achieve Invisible Margins / How to Avoid Stains / The Mylar Pull Technique / Tips on Seating Template Predictably (65:53)
Hands-on Demonstration: Contour Centrals, Laterals and Canine with Burs and Discs (74:09)
Composite Repairs / Advantages of Transitional Bonding / How to Increase VDO / Lab Communications (65:26)
Occlusal Considerations / Building Anterior Guidance / Increasing VDO / Long-term Results (48:48)
Hands-on Demonstration: Building Vertical / Adjusting Overbite (42:52)
Hands-on Demonstration Continued / Polish / FInal Occlusal Adjustments (46:46)
CE Credits
How to get CE credits
Tooth Topography: Understand and Create Good Contours / Making template from Wax Up
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